Sherlyn Chopra might have done some B-grade movies, but for Playboy she's a Bollywood legend. In a write-up describing Sherlyn, the starlet has been tagged as a Bollywood legend in the accompanying pic. Sample this: "Since winning a beauty pageant at the age of 17, she's moved to the city of Bollywood, Mumbai, to appear in numerous Bollywood films".
Sherlyn, who was at the Playboy mansion in Los Angeles for the photo-shoot a few days ago and spent time with the founder-owner Hugh Hefner, said she is proud of her work.
"I had no hesitation. I am not worried about the world. It was the most amazing photo shoot and I can proudly say that these were the best days of my life. Not once did I feel awkward or embarrassed," she said.
When asked if she did it to garner all the publicity, Sherlyn said, "There is no hidden agenda as such. I wanted to be the first Indian to do it and I went ahead and did it. I thoroughly enjoyed it. My sole agenda is to break stereotypes... pushing the envelope gives me a great high."
Sherlyn Chopra, who has reportedly got an offer to pose for Playboy magazine, has been posting some of her pics on Twitter quite regularly.
But there's no denying that Sherlyn's making the most of her new found fame as the first Indian Playboy pin up.